Such utter bullshit, Carney is just the last mafia straw.... Alberta is NOT playing this game. It isn't happening, and they underestimate how big of a fight they are in for.

Carney doesn't know Alberta.

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Im not so sure because if we were going to actually do anything we would have separated long ago or at least tomorrow.

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Carbon tax election already

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Carbon Carney is a dangerous bad bad man. He's WEF and makes millions on the transfer of wealth carbon scam.

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Would you call an election knowing how you stand in the polls? Of course not. I was so disappointed when Harper called the election a year early! Could he not literally see the signs in our country. It was graffitied on our traffic stop signs and people constantly talked about him. In my view he was one of the best PM we've ever had. Trudeau will not call an election unless Singh steps up to serve the people like his party is supposed to. He stands to grift a lot more money off us before he runs off to join Jacinda Ardern working for the WEF Global Public Leaders Fellow

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But the bloc is willing to prop JT in return for more money from the rest of Canada. And it will happen…

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Should the Bloc even be allowed to run if they don't do it nationwide?

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Thank you for your coverage of these things. No where else do we hear anything about what’s going on. They’re setting us all up for disaster with this alternative energy push. Without oil and gas we’re going to collapse. The amount of products not including fuel that petroleum contributes to is astonishing. Hopefully Smith sees we need to separate before it’s too late...

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💯 Alberta News and Views, Carney will expedite our downfall.

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Tough realizing there are consequences to your actions hey Marc Miller? Unbelievable. He sure did look like he was going to drop. Maybe too many boosters, doubt it’s a conscience.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Around 450 financial institutions, with around 40% of the world’s assets on their books, have signed up to the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz).

This is Mark Carney at a recent WEF Forum held in Scotland ..... Institutions that control around 130 trillion dollars, more than the 100 trillion dollars that is needed to meet the 2050 net zero target, according to former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney. The group of institutions is called Glanz and is led by former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney. Gird your loins, people because Canada is in deep trouble.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

CANADA wants an election - funny - Joly did a Kamala Harris. We want the liberal/ndp party OUT.

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But Quebec still wants to take all our money. That is a given….he doesn’t say …

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Really.....does Joly think that is cute using a line from Harris' playbook.

Both lack intelligence or capabilities and should be kicked from their positions.

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They just put another clown in their circus!!

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i say Trudeau banged her, sex

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Bully and steamroll over taxpaying citizens! We don’t want the WEF! No LPC!!! We desire an election ASAP

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