You have to be invested in Canada to vote in Canada!!! This is bullisht! Ya I spelled it wrong! Any immigrants should:

1) be instructed that they must work and contribute to the economy.

2)must have to obtain employment within one year (365) days to remain in Canada before deportation and…

3) remain employed and productive to the country and economy for a MINIMUM of 5 years before being granted the right to vote.

I was born here and had to wait 18 years for the privilege. Our country is a laughing stock of the world. We NEED to reform our charter into a constitution and revamp how government operates. I agree that all roads lead to western independence! People need to take control back and soon!

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Ok, so how many committees have been set up to investigate the numerous scandals by the Liberals to date? And what exactly has been the outcome of said committees? SNC Lavalin, WE Charity, McKinsey, ArriveScam, C0vid, Foreign Interference, etc., (296 scandals at last count) and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO ANY LIBERAL POLITICIAN , NO CHARGES UNDERTAKEN

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I'm on board. You have my vote. Lead by example!

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I Agree! We already know you would do a great job and tell us the Truth! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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You would have my vote 👍

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It boggles my mind,, how a person can lie, lie and more lies.

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Singh is a puke Trudeau called Polievre spineless supporter of terrorists! DIAGALON doesn't exist !!

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Joseph Bourgault ran as a Candidate for the PC Party. He is a very honest man who had everything in place including the money that had to be raised to make the cut and he was still turned down as a candidate. I think it’s because he is openly Christian. I hope you get in; we need honest people in those positions.

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I will support you. I am so sick of this poisonous , corrupt government. And , Singh!! He needs a head check. Canada neither wants nor needs him.

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I really like this content

Informative and enlightening with entertainment value!

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It is not always the ministers. The bureaucrats CONTROL what the politicians see and influence what they advise the politicians do. The BEST way to correct this problem is to completely REPLACE all the bureaucrats who should be HELPING the leaders, but instead are CONTROLING based on their own political bent. Many of the ministers, provincially and federally, never get the information because the people in their office has deleted the information because they did not like it.

"Lets be perfectly clear" Freeland has 46 people in her office. Any email you send to her will NEVER get through to her. and any china interference report will never be allowed to go to the politician's involved because it supports the liberals and needs to be hidden, lost, disposed of.

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And you know who else feels like that ?? @Maxime Bernier #ppc not Polievre WAKE UP

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You would have my Vote too! Western Independence Here We Come! 🥳🥳🥳

It's really sickening how these "committees" have cost money, I'm quite positive, and accomplished Zero! No Charges! No Wrist Slaps! Absolutely Nothing! Are they a pre-lude towards something Wonderful... like Justin being arrested and perp walked through Ottawa, and thrown in a deep hole? FOREVER! LOVE that Visual! Don't you?!? 😊

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