Simple, commit the crime, found guilty, here's your one way ticket back to the mother land.

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And on top of all this the dipshit wacko wants to tax the seniors more because they have worked and saved and the poor younguns that don’t want to work can’t afford anything and need the seniors to again pay for them.

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It's not a tax to help the younger ones thats wackos lie. it's another tax to pay the deficit that wacko and group keep spending spending on BS ideas that don't work. We have a failed drama teacher running our country. And the finance minister knows absolutely nothing about finances. Remember just get rid of your Netflix that will help cause thats what she did

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My son works 6 days a week and has trouble keeping up, your statement about the young is wrong in many cases, this country has become unaffordable for the majority.

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There are more young adults that do not want to work than those that do. You have raised a great son who is trying like the rest of us. Unfortunately, taking more from the seniors that have already been paying for over 45 years already is also wrong as they no longer have the working income to live let alone pay more. What should happen is that the income taxes be completely removed from all working people and end all of these special projects that the government thinks people need. If someone needs dental care then they can get dental care if they need daycare then they pay for daycare. Adults that no longer have school aged children should not have to contribute to school taxes but every homeowner still has to pay those. Hopefully people can start thinking about solutions instead of only complaining and wanting someone else to fix their issues for them. I hope things become easier for your son and every other young working person out there, and soon because this course we are all on is not sustainable.

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Agreed, some good solutions there, we sure do need them,

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They are WACKO🤥🤓☻🤡👾💥🌋

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Chinada becoming prison camp. Get out while you can.

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If 4 million immigrants have come in but 3.5 million professional Canadians have left how do we have a population of over 40 million people? Someone is lying.

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Great picture of an aged and balding Trudeau on this post.

No doubt about it JT is one miserable B******!

Some nitwit TO Reporter ran a piece saying Christia Freeland would be a replacement as PM for Trudeau, according to some poll that was run. Key rist....does anyone really think that? Dim-witted, stunned WEF lover she proves herself to be.

This Capitol Gains thing.....tax the affluent elderly, to bring up and prepare the Millennials and Gen Z for a great future. Most of us have already done that, while Liberal Government Policies continues to destroy any future they might hope for.

Folks seem to forget, Freeland tried this once before. During Covid, she had the audacity to ask those well off, to contribute to the Government any extra money to help the Government in a time of crisis, according to her. A crisis, I might add, that the Government created, for lack of following an intelligent approach. So, this Capitol Gaines Taxing IMO, is a step up to get this Freeland idea, that didn't fly into a passed Budget. This Budget for that piece alone needs to go up in flames.

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the judges bought their positions with fat donation and they don't even need to know the law. This govt., as we all know, is WOKE, meaning we bend over backward to look nice and give the illegals a free pass, everything is free so why work, dumb Canadians will foot the bill and they can get away, without fear of deportation.

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Communism 101

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What does the government care about besides taxes ????

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Check your spelling - it’s not leaving “form” Canada - it’s leaving “from” Canada

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I’m signed up with Alberta Prosperity Project and a couple others. We need to separate for our kids sakes

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Hi really enjoy your information and delivery, how come we cannot find you on rumble anymore?

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This happened May 4, 2024 starting in Red Deer Alberta. Ron Clarke and friends serving documents to the Alberta RCMP and MLA’s. This forces the RCMP and MLA’s to investigate the charges against the current Liberal Government for High Treason. Long video, but proof it’s started. All states south of the border will also be served these documents,


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un fn real your all fied you first judge brown.. miller too.

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