Damn we need a person in our government with the balls that this lady has

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I watched the whole thing and shared. She is incredible

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The young people weren’t taught proper history. They’ll say ‘that’s just the way it is’ They’re clueless that we once had a much more honest gvnmt & it was simple to get ahead, thrive & be proud of Canada. The immigrants don’t care & they won’t until the social safety nets go bankrupt.

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Not only young ppl blithering along in their own little world oblivion to what’s going on right before their eyes. A lot of middle age generation people as well. Darn right frightening!

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No kidding. I’m a boomer & am utterly ashamed of the complicit, drug addled, mentally lazy, negative, propaganda spewing ppl in my age group. They all should know better but they sold their souls & swallowed lies

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living in oblivion.

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Well you may be correct, but it runs deeper than that.

As a boomer, with Uncles Fathers etc that were in WWII, we were lectured; No talking about the war, religion or politic's. Kids were to be seen but not heard. Perhaps correct I won't argue with them. Perhaps that stifling has worked its way down damaging further up the line into the later boomers.

But here's another causation, honour and trustworthy was bred into the boomers, mostly ! The earlier boomers because there were so many came out, filled up the rolls in management and Gov't; not a bad thing because we trusted them regardless of party that they would mostly do what's right.

When you think of it the Trudeau generation were the first to get what ever they wanted if they screamed loud enough in the grocery cart; parents by now were mostly both working and you never had time to shop and not take the kids.

The boomer's, the difference; if you wanted to scream, you were literally given something to scream about; or you never got to go again shopping until you learned how to behave.

So results and the young people shouldn't be condemned but brought into the circle.

We need to make sure they have all the tools because they will be running the Country & World.

There was never ever a platform for discussion of politics. A debate club in school was just for the brainium's. But no one was given in-site or invited for what ever reason.

But waking up, many are & we're seeing that. Perhaps needing more ammo a few mistakes, seeing other views & a bit more experience.

I am seeing young people engaged. Take a look at True North and Alberta News, their people are young and brilliant.

I'm rambling so I'll stop.

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The Mounties are in Trudeaus pocket, so plain to see, they do absolutely nothing to help the citizens. They need to be held responsible by us the Citizens.

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Let’s gooooo!!!!! Awesome!!!!

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Canada is a Mickey Mouse country. It’s not going to survive. It’s doubtful that anyone can turn this mess around. Especially in 4 years. The truth is, Alberta independence is the only path to save Alberta. And those Western provinces who share this vision such as Saskatchewan, will be welcome. Provided their socialist ideologies are abandoned.

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The present Gov't Trudeau & Singh are the only ones that have turned this Country into a Mickey Mouse Country.

Before them we were respected & for the most part World Class. At least that's how I see it. So CANADA needs to be able to recall their Politician's and Parties that come through with Economy Busting policies & hidden Agenda's !

But, I'm with you as far as the path of Alberta and the West, that fight is futile ! Although it has been there for Decades if not a Century plus, we remain the elephant in the room no one will acknowledge is there. Therefore the response is Too little too Late; when little Never happened. You must be prepared to go all the way ! I imagine at the 5 min to 12 midnight, the Federal Gov't. Will make a futile attempt to do what they should have 40 years earlier, and to pummel our citizen's with dis-information/propaganda the virtues of a unified nation.

I just say this, WHEN we separate, We will all STILL be Canadian, we will still be friends and our families will still be just that ! The only difference will be is that there will be two Federal Government's, one for them and one that can manage our interests and needs !

There will be no downfalls, maybe a hiccup or two, but the horizon will be huge for Alberta and a Western Union.

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Social ideologies ?

First I agree with you Alberta needs to go for it. I may have to move to Ab. Before anyone else gets their shit together :/

Alberta's had one or two NDP Gov'ts since the last time Sask did ?

Saskatchewan's was the only good NDP that ever happened. I believe though they weren't truly NDP, but Liberal infested, when Liberals actually had some business sense.

My theory only ! But the last Liberals Sask had were in the late 50's early 60's. Liberal Premier Ross Thatcher, father of the murderous MLA Colin Thatcher.

I believe the Liberal's may have merged or hid themselves in the NDP some, because they had a slight business sense and Nobody wanted another Liberal for a while. I know that sounds fucked up, but honestly every Western Province has had a go having an NDP Gov't that were never as successful as Sk's.

For sure we have need to show people the virtues to move away from socialism.

May Alberta get there first and Sk along with you .

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They have stolen the God particle from our children, they hate God's rule of law which cannot be changed.

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Vaccine mandates and passes violated our charter rights, Turdeau used that thing for TP!

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I signed up for sub stack but all I get is USA news and issues. I can not locate you on substack. Is there a different way to access your podcast

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If you’re talking about AB News & Views. I subscribed to his platform before he went in substack. It’s like subscribing to a newspaper and not expensive. Knowledgeable and well spoken.

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Just maybe, this is how we can get rid of hidden agenda's and call back our politician's ?

The best thing I've heard so far. But that block chain bit; although ultra secure, don't forget your chain of words ?

But definitely there's something in that !

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Just keep doing what you do man. It’s all coming to play

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This is what we need people..

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Governments not gonna take care of you it’s going to destroy you for its own benefit

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Let’s all sue the government for a million dollars each…

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FYI, These insane monsters will pay. God will forgive them, but we are the humans and we do not have to. There was no novel virus, there was no pandemic. This injection was more than digital ID, it is digital control of the mind and body. MK ultra 2.0. They had the CV19 5g cloud AI dashboard in 2017 ready in Wuhan. It was all an AI simulation, all of it.

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why? because the police don't do their fracking job, too busy collecting taxes, beating people to death and following orders from corrupt officials

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