What the heck is she thinking? Double the population? No housing bad infrastructure, more pressure on health care, schools with students that don’t speak English, no jobs. This list goes on and on. She better start listening to the people that live here now and fix our problems first before making new ones. So disappointed ☹️.

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Ohh noo Danielle!!! What did u do!?

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Well, hate to break it to you but people really ARE that stupid! Anyone who believes that Danielle Smith wants to double Alberta's population to increase "political clout" needs a lobotomy. When you figure out that she's just another player in the game, it's going to hurt. But,for sure, the Canada & Alberta that we knew and loved ain't coming back!

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Liberals had no problem freezing the bank accounts of truckers and supporters of the Ottawa protest so why don't they freeze bank accounts of MPs and companies who are under investigation until we get answers?

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BAHAHAHA...Cawmela's "rally" was in front a damn green screen!! Look at the faces!! ALL blurry, no definition. One can clearly see EVERY face behind Trump at every one of his rallies, indoor or out!! Same with Poilievre's rallies. And the "cheers" she received...SHOULD remind one of the "laughs" flopped comedians get when no one actually laughs. Audio induced to be sure. She did the same damn thing for when she was disembarking from AF2. TONS OF PEOPLE, TONS OF CHEERS, proven via CGI tech tracers to all be BS!! The only real thing was the sky.

Also, IF any one is actually there, they were PAID to be there. PROVEN. One can therefore assume, and be correct, that her "crowd" is/was as big as the 25 people who are forced to stand behind Trudy.

So is Danielle going to increase Alberta's population the UK way, or the southern border of America way? What a disaster in the making! Did Albertans vote on this? Or was this just sprung on them? Has she stopped to think about when Conservatives AREN'T the AB govn't? Has she stopped to think that maybe all of these brand new 5 MILLION people AREN'T on board with her, or Alberta's culture? Has she even looked into the ACTUALS of the immigration problem in Canada and the hell it's creating for Canadians? She wants to double the size of all of the large cities to almost triple their size right now.

WHO did she say she was working for???

Just wonderin'

Interesting how the rest of the world is on fire, at war, in financial crash, broke and thirsty, illegal immigrant infested, crime ridden to the nth, devolving into chaos, under lawfare, at the precipice of everything The People can be at the precipice about - EXCEPT Alberta. It's just rockin' on, business as usual, nothing to see here.


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Cooper is great!

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Premier Daniel Smith, I love you as our leader.

But doubling population to get some recognition in Confederation is Lunacy !

Did I say Lunacy !

Ontario is getting the majority of immigrants, out countering any calculation you can have.

Good thought; but the reality is, is that Alberta & The West need to separate.

Other's need not get upset about that; we would be the same but with two separate Federal Government's ! That's were Canada is broken and unwilling to even give thought about the West being an equal partner !

If you think you know that Canada is better as one, that's only a pipe dream and if you want to debate you will quickly realize I am correct ! But we will still be good neighbour's, our family and friends will be just that.

So long as the Easterner's don't become weird, we'll still visit back and forth.

And trade, well for some time that's been better & easier North South with provinces and the US. Perhaps that will also improve ?

There will never be an equity, The grip the Central Canadian St. Laurence Elite with the twisting of the arms on those American Corporation's shared ownerships in Industry around the Great Lakes, like the Auto Industries for jobs-alone! Undermines us.

The demographics and populous is changing quicker than we can blink. Couples can't afford to have children, taking time off.

Couples work through weekends, alternating schedules, some work 2-4 jobs each.

Families are satelite'd between marriage splits

What is wrong with slower progress as population's naturally grow.

The fact is greedy corporation's have taken away families as we know them.

You're Love is lost in the treadmill of getting ahead that is no longer possible.

The West needs to form a new Western Canadian Federal Gov't. Because you the East just keep on shitting on us in the West !

Yes Trudeau/Singh, Guilbeault & Freeland have never made it so clear. And in 4,8,12 years after the Conservatives again run their course. There will be another insane federal Gov't like this Fed. Liberal Government again has been to the West.

See the East gets everything they want and need, because parties only need you to win the election. The Gov't is decided before anything West of the Ontario/Manitoba border is counted for votes.

That may seem like democracy but it isn't in a diverse Country like Canada. It's a game that became unfair quite some decades ago

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Until we have a certain autonomy, no one can really stop them from coming under this regime. Hope the H..l there is not another coalition. The #'s bounce around the possibilities still. ie.PM Jagmeet ?

Are we under attack already & #'s amassing ?

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WTH Danielle I disagree strongly bringing in more immigrants just to fight with Justin Trudeau . NO way

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by dec 31 2024 we are done W.E.F. take over, manitoba is getting hit hard with mayors selling out the people and going 15 minute cities , they are coming for your car and tractor then they release their virus kill us off so they can live

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We in Ontario will gladly send you the balance of the population to make up your quota. They are breaking our backs. How about we gather all the tent cities across the country and send them right over, but wait, where will you put them? It's the same problem across Canada, no housing, no jobs, too much taxes. Time to get real. Independence will not fix it. Justin Trudeau must go.

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I’ve been a proud supporter off Danielle Smith but she, like Jason Kenney before her, seems to think that equality will come for us westerners in Canada. We westerners know this WON’T HAPPEN in our lifetimes. Western independence is the only answer now!!! 🤔👍

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WTF Danielle Smith?!? She knows very well this will piss off her base. All faith in any of these politicians is gone, grass roots participation needed desperately but who will have the courage to stand up to these globalists?

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Canada ... a failed state in the making.

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Saw a video where it showed they wanted people for $25 per hour for about 4 to 5 hours. These are the people behind her, applauding and clapping. Paid “performers”.

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They could do this now.

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