Trying to bribe Alberta?? So sick. BS that we cannot build homes ourselves - what immigrant votes are they trying to harness and trying to destroy Alberta????
You nailed it, 100% cash grab…again, they think we are so stupid that we don’t know the SUN is the main driver of climate and that plants eat CO2, oh wait…
Trying to bribe Alberta?? So sick. BS that we cannot build homes ourselves - what immigrant votes are they trying to harness and trying to destroy Alberta????
Sorry I just couldn’t listen to her. It makes me nauseated.
If she was talking you can be sure another liberal is going to make millions and there will be a big donation to the trudum foundation.
How can a person talk so much by saying so little. Freeland is an idiot!!
You nailed it, 100% cash grab…again, they think we are so stupid that we don’t know the SUN is the main driver of climate and that plants eat CO2, oh wait…
I call bull!! How many years to build homes?? How many years to protect and keep medical doctors? No LPC you FAIL! What’s our debt like?!!