Nope will never accept the evil UBI and all the FKD up conditions that come with it, and those that do will be nailing down their own coffins, our parents and grandparents survived the Great Depression, which was far worse than this with no Fkng UBI, we don’t have a debt crisis we have a spineless, lazy Canadian crisis! Hard stop

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This was planned Globally. Our only hope is to get rid of these Global murderers. Yes this was planned democide. 20 million documented dead from their never a vacccine. That is more death than all WW. What did they do with the Jews, you will own nothing and not be happy.

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Yup we all know the plan and how long it’s been in motion, the mistake is in thinking we can’t do anything about it, a mistake people will pay for with their lives and the lives of their children, and with all respect posts like yours are the posts of people that have already given up and are speaking the evil into existence, no offence intended but I think we are way past feelings being hurt, we see where that bs has gotten us

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Yes I am still extremely bitter. I warned everyone who would listen. 8 months into the Never a pandemic, I was locked out of the hospital to shut me up. They are still putting this toxic material into children. They are using this toxic material in most vaccines, including our pets and livestock. They are using it in anaesthetics and insulins. This will lead to the extinction of humans. There are no regulations on quantum nano dot technology.

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Yup and now it’s time for action rather than “poor me” because EVERYONE has been affected and hurt in this...EVERYONE..use that bitterness for action...

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