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What about supporting Canadians for once this liberal government is just full of themselves

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we need a election now , all theses lies the liberals are doing means a election are coming

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Many, many immigrants have been allowed in so that they can vote for Trudeau in the next election so I expect that is why they would have one soon. Also, In my opinion, legal and illegal immigrants have been brought in to expand our numbers so that the loss of people from the shots is not so noticeable for the next census.

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Nobody wants what the liberals are selling. Mega is the new Harper excuse. They’ve crossed so many lines and made themselves completely untrustworthy. When it comes to Ukraine Canadians care about the people but are tired of their leader who’s bought 4 mansions and a yacht and all the money sent there when we are hurting. As far as climate change , it’s been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to change. Canadians aren’t falling for this supposed crisis. When the elites recycle their jets and china is put under strick carbon rules they may convince some. It will be a cold day in hell when either of those parties will ever do that.

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I always enjoy this podcast. Keep up the good work. What is the name of the speaker who does this podcast? I don't see a name anywhere. I see that this program is coming from GP where I lived (most of my long life) until last spring.

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And this is just the beginning of the mudslinging. Pierre has said time and time again what he is going to do, he has said that EV politics is going to far too quick and we need to get our ducks in order first and for before pushing EV’s down everyone’s throats and he is supporting our oil and gas sector and will bring back good paying jobs in this sector as we build more pipelines to move our oil and gas and natural gas resources to nations who now burn coal and other carbon emitting fuels. The Ukrainian situation is just getting more strained all the time. I just wish they would stop bringing this subject up time and time again.

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What a tool that guy is... omg. What does he think, that people are actually going to listen to him???? Rock on Alberta News and Views.... love ya

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Liberal clowns they truly don't understand Canadians

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I guess Trudeau would know all about Trump. 2 peas in a pod.

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