No money? But you have a phone and internet? Priorities matter. You are distraught because you don’t have a day off to decompress. My mother got her first day off after raising 11 kids.

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Lol right because having no phone is great. When housing take up 70% on your income its problem! Give the just work harder crap a rest.

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She doesn't need to work more hours but she could try to find a roommate since she is in a 2 bed. If all she does is despair and not look for solutions she is left with no hope and there is nothing wors3 than not having hope that things can and will improve.

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I don't think this little girl had any kids and working 40hrs a week should give you all the things that you need in life. Car, phone, tv, housing, food, entertainment, and so on. Simply absurd that she only has $300.00 dollars left over to last the month. Having 11 kids is a choice and your Dad must have worked very hard to pay for them all.

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The current Public Education System is failing. Teachers should not be social workers but teach the basics such reading/writing/math/ etc and children should not pass a grade if they cannot read, write nor do basic math / If a child is not academic then steer them towards a trade and make budgeting mandatory in grade 11 or 12 / It would be nice if option for EITHER parent could be home and truly interact with child(ren) limiting any screen time / Harder for single parents (:

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I totally agree with you back in the days only one person (man) would work and the other (woman) would stay at home and took care of the family the salaries were high enough and the cost of living was way lower what happened?

The GREEDY government wanted more tax money so why not send the women at work as well and leave the kids with some strangers to be indoctrinated perfect plan

or was it?

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🎯Add to that fractured families and it has become an avalanche of disorder and addiction.

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Having women out working was the beginning of separating the family unit.

I was fortunate to be home with my kids in the 80s and 90s.

I couldn't imagine not being with them everyday and having others raising them.

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I agree that women or a spouse staying at home would benefit not only the family but society as a whole. Sure there are lots of women who prefer to be in the workforce and thrive doing this, but let’s help out the families who prefer a more traditional view of stay at home mums (or spouse) and give these people a living wage.

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I would have loved to stay home with my kids but cost of living is too high. It seems as soon as we had to go to work kids started running wild and kids crime went up.

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Many of us worked full time and raised our kids as well. Never had time for tv, ever. This snivelling person crying because she can’t make it? Why does she have a 2 bedroom apartment then? Many of us lived in people’s basements, in “rooms”, and didn’t have credit cards then. If we didn’t have the money, we didn’t get. Period.

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I was a single mom of three and although very difficult you find ways to deal and support your kids

It’s not an easy journey for either parent as my son is now a single dad raising his children and I do feel for him and the journey he will have to take in this horrible world but with extended family support hopefully we all can make it

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Being at home - isn’t easy - you work a lot more than 40 hours. It is all for the love of your family - and your day doesn’t seem as long.

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Yes my first thought was she can afford a phone and internet!! I wouldn't have had a phone or internet if I couldn't afford it. I understand her frustration but seriously where does she live and why does she need to two bedroom? At her age I had two little ones and did my best to take care of them. I was a single Mom. What worked the best was when my Mom, younger brother, myself and my two lived together. We shared the bills. I went to University and hasn't helped me in my life much. I really think she needs to cut down on her expenses-ALOT! Get a home phone, get a 1 bedroom, move to a smaller city perhaps, or share with someone.

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We shouldn't care if government values traditional family. We should do it anyway... because that is how we change the culture, that is how we counter the secularism and hostility towards the family. That is counter culture in action.

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Yes you are right about keeping family’s together by having house wife or house husband at home. But until we get a leader that sees the importance of this the future looks bad. The people that have lots of money now think they are safe well they are not.Because when the leaders are done breaking the lower and middle class.They will be coming after them.

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Very good points but what happens to the women forced to leave their partner due to abuse? What happens to those that don’t have anyone proposing, the cost of living in Canada has to come down, there are double income people not making it!

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The costs of much will come down, when the economy crashes...our fiat currency won't be worth squat...and neither will anything else. Buckle up, because the war on the family just got cooking.🙏🙏🙏💔

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Well canadians had better start having children and looking after them otherwise we will be a islamist country before you know it

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This young girl is crying because she is not making enough money to pay to have a life. She works full time and all she can pay is rent. Instead you make like she is a woman complaining, spoiled....she is crying the tears of many people these days. I was disappointed with your commentary. Sounds like you are a chauvinist.

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That is what most of us did, no??? I can remember making $7.80 and hour, and having just enough money each month to cover expenses...land line only, old car, before internet,lol This is what drives a young person to better themselves and find another way. No struggle, no character building.

I took the odd evening class to figure things out, and ultimately ended up saving to go back to college, at 23. I took a trade in oil and gas, because I hadn't met Mr. Right yet, and knew I needed a plan to support myself in the meantime. I always knew I wanted a family, I wanted to have children and I wanted to be able to stay home with my kids. After three years working shiftwork,in industry, I did meet my husband. We met in a stinky old gas plant near Fox Vegas😉...we were on opposing shifts in the boiler house.

Five kids, several moves, 20 years of marriage, we homeschool and my husband is the wage earner. We wouldn't want it any other way.

I am tough, I 'could' do a 'mans' job, lol, but I have a more valuable role in our family home now. Traditional roles are for the humble, there is no place for selfishness or prideful arrogance.

***The other consideration, is that if I work also, I would be taking a good paying job from a father, who's family could then have 'mom' in the home as well.

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Sounds like he understands that feminism was created to destroy families. If sounds like you love the koolaid

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I guess you are a traditional thinker where women should be in the kitchen? What has gotten out of hand is couples who both work full time and then have 2 or 3 kids! They want boats, fancy cars, big houses. I was home for the first 2 years for my daughter and could work at home. She went into part time daycare and my mom helped too. I found a balance being a mom and have a career. Since I had a career and wanted to work, I did not choose to have 2 to 3 kids. The cost of living has also made it hard for one person to support the family. It used to be a man working could have a house, car and the woman at home cooking his supper. To me what's important is balance. Whether the man or woman works or both.

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We had 4 children and were farmers. I worked at a tax office and in tax season - hours were long - but we made it work. Still took time for sports and family gatherings. When you are young - you can make it happen!

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