Trans is a mental problem! Two genders!! Telling me you identify with animal makes me say “you do you and I’ll do me, have a nice life. Nice knowing you goodbye.”
Trump has threatened tariffs, because he and woke Trudeau are polar opposites, he wants to crush Justin, but when Poilievre is elected, cooperation will win and tariffs are gone. Get rid of the Trudeau Left, and North America wins!
Well Dougie,here's the thing. All provinces have jurisdiction over resources. That's how it's supposed to go. That means that Akberta oil is Alberta oil, not Canada’s. Get your own gear and get to digging them Wells in your own dumpster fire province. Same for the rest of them.
What no one mentions is that in order for these “trans” people to live, they have medications, hormones, they need to take for the rest of their lives. If they come here, are we expected to pay for these, we cannot even have enough doctors for our own “pre immigration” folks
Thia Alberta mama is infuriated at hearing these clowns yap about 'our resource rich' land that needs to 'diversify our customer base' wt heck, did these jerks not just refuse to allow two major pipelines in the last 10 years🧐 Northern Gateway and Energy East...Alberta wants OUT!!!!!!!!
No words....the rest of the country needs to go find their own way....we are DONE with this garbage.
Sovereignty, republic, I want no connection to this mess.
I was born from a mother. As far as I know all 9B people on the planet were also born from a mother. Why is that hard to understand?
I believe in you Alberta news and views we are proud of you
The climate scam freaks have put tarrifs on its own country, carbon tax on all Canadians for 9 years already. Criminal
Like Pierre, I only accept two genders based on biology. All the rest are mentally delusional.
So now trans become political refugees?
What next?
Trans is a mental problem! Two genders!! Telling me you identify with animal makes me say “you do you and I’ll do me, have a nice life. Nice knowing you goodbye.”
Anything the gov touches turns to crap. No brains just a free ride for them with destruction
There are only two genders.
I'm all for Alberta seceding from Ottawa, becoming independent, and, or, becoming an American State.
Gad... Singh and his crazy comments
Trump has threatened tariffs, because he and woke Trudeau are polar opposites, he wants to crush Justin, but when Poilievre is elected, cooperation will win and tariffs are gone. Get rid of the Trudeau Left, and North America wins!
Well Dougie,here's the thing. All provinces have jurisdiction over resources. That's how it's supposed to go. That means that Akberta oil is Alberta oil, not Canada’s. Get your own gear and get to digging them Wells in your own dumpster fire province. Same for the rest of them.
Thank you!!
"THEIR ALL FULL OF SHIT"..... AHHAHAHAH ... Its about all anyone can do anymore is laugh....omg... Love you !!!!
‘I’m not crazy, you’re crazy’!!!
What no one mentions is that in order for these “trans” people to live, they have medications, hormones, they need to take for the rest of their lives. If they come here, are we expected to pay for these, we cannot even have enough doctors for our own “pre immigration” folks
Thia Alberta mama is infuriated at hearing these clowns yap about 'our resource rich' land that needs to 'diversify our customer base' wt heck, did these jerks not just refuse to allow two major pipelines in the last 10 years🧐 Northern Gateway and Energy East...Alberta wants OUT!!!!!!!!
No words....the rest of the country needs to go find their own way....we are DONE with this garbage.
Sovereignty, republic, I want no connection to this mess.
Great job on your reporting.I always look forward to seeing you on Substack and Facebook. 👍
I can’t listen to Doug anymore
A vote for anyone else is a vote for Turdo
All roads lead to Alberta 51st state. A proud member of the constitutional republic of USA. There is nothing better.