I'm left my country for this reason. Systemic corruption. But isn't the only one. This is happened for a long time and it's happening right now. Nobody was accountable. No prison. Billions are gone and never recovered. Now it's happening in Canada. Unavailable.

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There's criminals need to be gone now!!

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I think jail is too good for them. Tar and feather would be better.

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How HOW is this Crime Sinister Castreau still in office? Just like the coalition corruption!! 😡🤬😈👹🙀

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The continued BS that is going on under Justin's "government" is beyond imagination. When can I wake up from this nightmare! "Are we there yet?"

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Anyone ever wonder, what are we paying for the RCMP

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So are these two guys still in Canada or did they flee??

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It's worse than that.

MUCH worse.

Here's a fuller breakdown on the ArriveCan Scam, using the WatchDog Report:

THE ARRIVECAN SCAM AND THE DEPTHS THEREOF... https://danknight.substack.com/p/unearthing-the-rot-of-arrivescam

Truly looking forward to the AG's Full Report after this Bombshell!!

As for HOW are they still in [their] positions?

WHY do [they] still have a job?

WHY doesn't the party do a leadership review?

WHY the hell aren't [they] ALL in jail already?

The answer is as simple as it gets.

[They] won't go after [their] own.

"[Their] own" means from the Top down to the Local of ALL faucets of gov, across the COUNTRIES, from political to police to unions to medical to education to the freaking dude selling 'safe supply' of fentanyl.

That'd be like the mafia publicly telling on the mafia...ain't gonna happen! Those things are usually taken care of "in-house."

Hence, the numerous tire treads on the faces of those fighting against the System of Systems.

What the regime has failed to recognize in any substantial way, is that re-organizing the deck chairs on the Liberal/NDP Titanic is NOT going to save it from sinking.

BUT, it is fun to watch them try!!

To watch the ndp hang onto the sinking liberals as the liberals are hanging onto the sinking ndp's is literally, quite amusing. It's like an invigorated Splash Park filled with bobble heads, turbans, socks and pearls all trying to clamber atop one another.

As for Accountability, the Rule of Law, and Equal Justice under that Rule of Law - it's coming.

Hard, Fast and Furious!


God ALWAYS wins.

Justice WILL prevail.

And THE TEAM will make sure that happens!

Of that I have NO DOUBT.

The expressions, "We Caught Them All," "NOTHING Can Stop What Is Coming," and "Where We Go One We Go All" are not just catch phrases, they are Oaths.

Trust God

Have Faith in Humanity

Remain Vigilant

Be Loud

Stay Lawful


*Tips hat

Much Love

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I believe the corruption in governments had been going on much longer than anyone realizes. Only now we have independent media sources that dig deep, research and reveal the truth that has been covered up. For instance, Mocha Bezrigan, has found corruption on several large construction projects involving massive amounts of taxpayer funds funneled to relatives of politicians that we would not have known about otherwise. What's truly amazing is that they get away with it because ethics committees are either in the back pocket of said politicians or they are shut down by the NDP/Liberal coalition.

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The governmental corruption has been going on for as long as it was established. It's only now that many of the politicians are speaking out and sharing what they have found. As well as the Independent Media. What they have learned is only the tip of what this truly evil worldwide cabal and their public puppets, like Justin and gang, has been doing.

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I'm starting to wonder if this is not all just staged theatrics, like the wrestling used to be.

Any thoughts on this possibility?

For the first time in our lives, being born and raised in Canada, my mother and I are talking about leaving Canada. This is upsetting to us.

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Staged theatrics is indeed correct!

Very much so actually.

HOW do you wake up The People?

Sometimes they must be shown, one cannot simply just tell them. Who would have believed that all of this was the road [they] were taking us down? If you would have tried to explain this 10, 5, even 3 years ago, would anyone have believed you? Nope, they'd a had ya committed and thrown away the key, "For the Greater Good."

Leaving is not the answer my Friend, for it is this way everywhere. Some places even worse.

It's gonna get a wee bit rough, but it is ALSO going to be Grand in the end.

Don't focus on the BS (black pills), focus on the wins, of which there truly are many.

The Finale of the Show is coming, so make sure ya got lotsa popcorn and a trustworthy pop out lawn chair!!😉😎

2024 is gonna be Biblical!!

Much Love

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

FYI: It would be to a warmer climate. 😀 Great comments too! ❤️

I'm normally the one saying I can't wait to see the new world. And it looks nothing like the one Justin and gang have in store for us. 😁 It's quite sad actually that they are VERY short sighted. Eternity is a LONG time and they can't take any of their Millions or Billions with them. The Pharoahs tried that a couple of years ago.

Much Love back! 🤗🤗🤗

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The way things are going with the financial system, these shiisters will be able to use their billions of worthless thin air based dollars for blankets at a Cuban tropical island "get away" with the teeniest of tiniest 5x5 "tiny" homes!

Let them eat crickets!


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I think I’ve finally found my new career…. I’m going to become a “Ghost Contractor“ for the liberal government

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i been saying this for years , they been stealing our money for years, buddy found a couple off shore bank accounts and i do believe every liberal has a off shore bank accounts , they are stealing it cause they damm well wont get back into office ,, now tell me 48.4 million to the Caribbeani iSLAND to fight their carbon problems , are they fcking crasy they got no carbon problems thi9s has to be looked at,,, BIG RALLY FREEDOM RALLY THIS WEEK IN OTTAWA sure hope they hang trudeau

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On another note- not only did these contractors not have the required security (with your personal information) they copied and pasted the required work experience off the government's website into their own resumes!! And not a single government rep checked their credentials?? And these are the people that run our country - pretty damn scary isn't it.

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ALSO, pretty damn stupid!! 😅😂🤣

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