We've known this was coming! Those of us who took it seriously, are prepared.

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Start your gardens and build from the inside out β˜€οΈπŸ’§πŸŒ»πŸπŸ₯ŠπŸ¦πŸ₯Š

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So when does the main stream media finally realize that their families are not protected from this happening? Start reporting the truth so more people can help stop this Canadian Government scam and scandals.

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The little insignificant tax payers are the ones that will hurt the most :(

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You can’t escape taxes if you buy food, gas, shelter or need a job….

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Ok dumb ass gov and investors, keep building housing Canadians can’t afford. Unbelievable.

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Am sorry Sandi but if you didn't get they're little games yet, it's not to insult you but maybe you are the dumb ass, politicians and big corporations and the richest of this world are members of a club and people like us are not in it,look what happens every were around the world,the wars the masse immigration the pandemie and all the rest, it's all manipulated by those people who wants to control us, they even control your thinking with the tv, just wake up we have to start the get together and find a way how to overturn that sistem

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Am sorry Sandi I had to much to drink maybe

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I called the government and investors dumb ass and you turn around and call me that for saying the exact same thing you said, though longer version. I’m very well aware of what is happening so save your condescension.

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Those that have lost their homes and living in RV’s or tents already know we are in a depression, many more are going to catch up, we are in big trouble .

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We are not in a depression,we are in a manipulation

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What are we to do to prepare? I don't understand what it is that we can do to fight back against the government, any ideas?

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it’s way bigger than our government, I don’t know if we can fight it, grow your garden, save some food, if you can, chip away at debt as best you can. Other than that I’m with you, idk

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Yes, get together with your neighbors friends and friends neighbors,collect food make plans to grow food in your house stop going to work stop paying for your house and car immediately they will come to get it anyway and they won't be able to get them all,go on line and look for 15 minutes city, that's what they want for us,put us in 15 minutes city's,go on YouTube and put, you will own nothing and you'll be happy, and share it with everyone you know it's time for you the bunch who still asleep to wake up and join us in the fight

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The all sistem is manipulated by all the same people, wake up people wake up, all those big players who cash in each time all the times, they the same all the time so why is that, how they do to be right on it all the time, very simple explanation for those who still a sleep, they all in it together it's not because they have an ability to see what's the economy will do in a month or a year, politicians big corporations and mainstream media they all manipulated you and the system while you guys still a sleep, you better wake up soon people because the next fase of they're plan is coming very fast and we will be all fuck for eternity the regular humans,if you think we are slaves, you want to know what is coming next for your children and your children child,stop watching tv and be manipulated by those people

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