Just read that 1 in 4 people in Ontario are on welfare, 1 in 4!! Talk about unsustainable and unproductive. Also, remember all the Syrian refugees Canada took in - 5 yrs later 50% are still on social assistance. If this continues, there will not be enough working people to support all the dead wood.

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I wonder how much of their money, our money goes back to Syria, some for weapons to kill us, so we give a people our money to kill us!

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Alberta needs to dump Eastern Canada asap.

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Incredible how close Canada seems to be becoming a third world country. Heartbreaking here in Canada that grocery store employees need to wear body cameras!! Wow. We all need to pray for this federal government to fall. Before it takes us all down. 🙏🏻

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Like Trudeau gives a single 💩 about Ukraine or us, just following orders of course.😡

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Just a another distraction to what's going on, the global governance power grab, The Summit of the Future (Sep22-23/24), "Pact for the Future Rev 3" (29 pages), UN 17 SDGs. We ought to look at the US how they are passing Bills to uphold their civil, fundamental, democratic, legal, mobility rights and keep foreign entities at bay, drawing the line and say "No More". Doctrines like "Our Common Agenda", Policy Brief #2 - strengthening the Response to Complex Global Shocks, Globalcovenantofmayors . org, UN's Migration Replacement Act. They are criminalizing traditional ways of life and freedoms we've known. Look up Reggie Littlejohn. antiglobalist.net

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Putting targets on every Canadian back. What a inhumane dictator. No Canadian wants to go to war with Russia, we are at war with our own government!!!

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WE do not need to be in the war! WE do not need to be a part of NATO, WEF, OWG! WE want out!

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its bad but wait till digital banking kicks in JUNE 2025

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And then he puts that little smirk on his face . I wonder if I’ll ever see him with that little smirk on the other side of his face !!

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Yep...keeping pushing Putin, who says he will advance if these long range missels are fired.

Trudeau ranting on his haywagon, like the others who make war by sitting behind a desk, seem to forget who has nuclear weapons....it ain't Canada!

Only buffer should Putin advance across the north is Alaska.

If the nuks go off WERE DONE!

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Just wondering how he financially benefits from this Ukraine Russia war.just like the “elites” in US….re weapons..

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Trudeau told the Epoch Times that is libs loose this byelection, he won’t resign

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If trudeau still wants to support Ukraine, doesn’t that put us in the middle of nuclear war???

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Separate from the corrupt Trudeau Liberals and Corrupt Government.

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