Thank you Danielle for the truth.

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Thank you Danielle Smith for standing strong.

This Albertan stands behind you!! Don’t let Ottawa bully you!!

Doug Ford and Trudope/Singh are an embarrassment!!!

All roads lead to western independence!!!

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This might be upsetting to many, but the truth of this is impossible to ignore. Alberta independence is the only way forward. It’s time has come.

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The day will come when we can prosecute Trudeau and his corrupt cabinet. I hope I am alive to see it!

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Best Premier. Support her 100%

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Notely, Notly Nut case really!!!! you did that Potatoe

head just to stir the pot in Alberta and with Smith. You piece of crap! What a two face junk head

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Meanwhile Trudy rented a 200 room retreat in Quebec today on our tax dollars

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I hope it is a pre-prison sleepover party?

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#Canada must remove the Left ASAP!

#PierrePoilievre is needed now!

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We must audit, expose, defund, punish, and cancel the Trudeau Left ASAP!

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