WE had a policy about having a country identity to follow UNTIL HE came into fruition! Because of him Canada has no Canadian policies anymore!

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Thank you for all your hard work to keep us informed!

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We should be able to VOTE on all these issues!!! I know people who can’t go see their children in another province because the hotel costs have skyrocketed!!!! This coalition government HAS to go!!!!!!!

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I’m calling what will happen. Tin foil hat time. The USA democrats will cram Harris into the White House and civil war will break out. The Canadian Liberals will lie about how dangerous the world is now with the conflict and invoke marshal law. Meaning the Canadian election will be postponed till they think it’s safe enough to have one.

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Same play book as the States.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

The BC wine industry is getting crushed due to new air B&B restrictions. Hotels have more than doubled there.

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There is only one solution to this problem, and that is all the illegal immigrants need to be sent back to where they came from. The flights would be much cheaper than providing hotels and free food, clothing etc to parasites who only suck the life out of Canadian Tax payers. Secondly, get rid of the PM unless he is willing to have all these illegal immigrants move in with him. Regarding the fires, if you study the situations, this year in Jasper, last year west of Edmonton, AB and up north, a few years ago in Lytton, BC, Ft Mac, Hawaii, California, etc they are all the same. Certain buildings, including Christian churches, police stations, medical centers, homes, etc. burn down to the ground, cars melt, yet other buildings and trees, do not. Homes with blue roofs and other items that are painted a medium blue do not burn. This is a clear indication of DEW which is being used to start the fires. We are being told that they are caused by lightening strikes, but the direct-energy-weapons create high intensity heat and can pinpoint where to start the fires. Anyone who does not know about the DEW technology that has been used by the US Military and other organizations for many years, would just think that it was a lightening bolt. But those people who have witnessed these have clearly seen the difference. Very much the same as a magnifying glass that we used as kids to start fires with a small piece of paper on the sidewalk. People need to wake up.

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Trudy just built a new barn/ bunker .. put them there .

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And with regards to the last statement, everybody can grow, but presently nobody has room to. Get rid of these immigrants stop letting strangers into the country. Get a community. Get a sense of value in this country again and then move forward.

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Good job 👍 keep up the great work.

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SO sick of all of this shit... We are being raped every fucking day, and we are all just sitting around taking it. Time to fight back.

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They don’t do any forest management, leave deadfall and dead standing. Beyond a perfect storm for any spark

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Still don’t get how he’s in power!!!

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Common knowledge they trash the hotels and hotel staff don't want to work there. Turns hotels into a slum.

Send them back indeed

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I live right next-door to Jasper and I can tell you the provinces lack of preventative measures is astounding that doesn’t mean this fire was caused because it’s hot or dry. It had been raining here for days. It snowed here in June. There was frost in early July this is not a dry climate spot. It’s always raining here.

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Jasper is a Federal Park. Alberta does not have jurisdiction in the park. There were at least 6 water bombers waiting on the tarmac in Edson ready to go to drop water on Jasper town site, but they were not allowed until the Feds gave the go ahead, which by then was too late and 1/3 of the town had already burned down. The Feds are too slow to react to any emergency, whether it was done on purpose or that they just have lead in their pants, people lost their homes, their Christian church and businesses.

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Also see my comment above about what most likely caused the fires.

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