It’s not your money it never was your money. It’s my money. You’re just borrowing it and giving it back to me with no interest go fuck yourself.

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I paid my own childcare when my boys were little, and do not want to pay for everyone else’s kids. Same for every other social program. Gov sucks!!

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People used to revolt and go to war over this type of thing thing. What has happened? We’ve become weak.

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oh we will be going to war Trudeau says Canadians can fight with Ukraine against Russia

its coming very soon

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Complacent, tired AF ‘who’s making supper’??!! Let’s go out :(

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Trudeau looks so strange and thin. Is it the camera angle or has he got AIDS!

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Could we hope for aids!!

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Huh, scary interesting :)

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I thought that he looks sick and

certainly not his usual self!

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Can’t imagine if he was asked, too protected and insulated :(

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Thankyou Alberta News for saying exactly what we can't say about the bull sh!t that's going on with these l!e!ng politicians and fake facts.

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we been carbon neutral for hundreds of years and still is. now its going to come out that we Canadians can help fight with Ukraine against Russia , well let me tell you this Ukraine can pay us our money back and Ukraine can fight their own war,, we need to deport all thoses people who came here under false aka forged school visa s , they lied when they came here now its time to start deporting.. 50,000 people wanted on the deportation list live in Ontario, JUST THINK THEY GET DEPORTED AND WE SAVE BILLIONS OF TAX PAYERS MONEY

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Yes and yes! Lib/NDP full of 🐂💩's

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Is Trudeau physically ill? That photo in the video looks like he’s got aids or cancer or something...he’s gaunt looking.

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If BC goes conservative and Saskatchewan votes Scott Moe back in we really could do western independence!! Wouldn’t that be something!!

Singh wants ANOTHER committee so there would be more government jobs we all pay for.

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Trudeau communism

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Jagmeet Singh is banned from India. Has been for many years - before he was elected in Canada. I wonder why??? Another Sh_t disturber?

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