Canada is just the way the liberals, and Ontario and Quebec like it. It’s time for the west to leave the dysfunctional east. At very least use it as a leverage to get change.

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All roads lead to Alberta independence. And when I say Alberta I mean Saskatchewan and a large chunk of BC. Canada through gross mismanagement has become a backwater. There’s not a single institution that hasn’t declined.

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100%. Alberta will be dragged down with the ROC if we dont hurry up and leave.

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Everything the tater is doing is a big fack you to Canadians. What a POS

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Never believe the Liberals, they are not for Canadians .

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Unfortunately, Trudeau can stack the Senate as PM privilege.😡

That why Canada needs to become a REPUBLIC!

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When Pierre gets in hopefully he should dissolve the senate. Why do we need a two tier system to decide issues as we all know that the liberal side never sides with anything for the good of Canadians! Who better to launder money but Zelenski!

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It is too late to correct the ship. By the time an election is held, this nation will be ashes. Pierre won't change much, especially with everything so corrupted. Our system doesn't work. Time to move on.

Alberta wants OUT, and it looks like we will be making changes to be sovereign one way or another.

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It's time to become a REPUBLIC!

There are l👀pholes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The two documents see-saw back and forth giving with one hand and taking with the other.

Our ceremonial ties to Britian NEED TO COME TO AN END!

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Corrupt party system no matter who is in power. Change to Direct Democracy now and dump the chumps. If the people do not abolish the party system Canada and the provincial party system will burn it down and we will fail!

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One should find it VERY interesting how Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, aka THE NEW TRUMP ADMINISTRATION HEAD OF THE NIH, is a part of this fabulous group of actual medical professionals who did this report.

Weird right?


Also interesting is the FACT that every country ruled by Great Britain, including Great Britain, (think Starmer 🤬 🤮 here and how Elon is openly, enthusiastically and tenaciously encouraging The People to vote AfD right now) is spiraling down the plumbing pipes in an EPIC Drain the Swamp sorta fashion, don'tcha think?

Almost like it was PLANNED.



😅 😂 🤣

But what the hell do I know?

😉 😎

Anyhoo, any of y'all familiar with this gem?



Just wonderin'...

Cuz Corporate takeovers are a real thing, eh.

NOT that "Canada" or the Provinces aren't like say, ON THE SEC (Security Exchange Commission), each having their very own business number, each answerable to the head Corp, aka Washington DC (District of Colombia) - NOT to be confused with the City of Washington, USA.

Like say, the Vatican City (its own country within the country of Rome) or the City of London, also its own entity within London City.

BUT, I've been through all of this already so, not going to rehash it.

Suffice it to say - EVERYTHING HAPPENING WAS PLANNED WELL IN ADVANCE by the VERY Best and WE are right on course for The Best That IS Coming. (The New Golden Age).

Patriots ARE in Control.


Full Stop.

Premier Danielle Smith is NOT read into The Plan, BUT, she knows enough to read the writing on the wall. PLUS, she's had a few chitchats with some of President Trump's Team members.

Kinda lovin' the FACT that she's a separatist going for Sovereignty for Alberta.

As she puts it when speaking about the East, "Be careful what you wish for."

🤔 Now where have we heard that before?

But I digress...


*Tips hat

Much Love

Stand Fast Patriots



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Totally agree with your comment about Canadians not rising up. That's one good reason why I left. I would be out at the rallys fighting for our freedoms and all I got from the majority was ridicule and anger. It's sad that many people I care about are still there (and doing nothing to oppose any of this). It's not the same country I grew up in.

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They actually do rely on Canada for cheap crude oil....

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Agreed. We went to all of the rally's, tried to get so many people(who fully agreed the mandates were wrong) but would not go for fear of someone seeing them there. It was infuriating to realize how many spineless cowards we were surrounded by.

We moved out of the city, bought a small farm, and zero regrets. We had to move on. 🙏

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Canada is in that place with Alberta right now.... Albertans needs to focus on saving itself. 🙏

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I think we should separate ab,bc,sask,manitoba,nwt after were separated and our own we can go to war and defeat the west once we get our pension funds back sell our oil and gas refine it ourselves and place a border wall to the east. We need bc for our port and gold as well as the vast riches in nwt and the arctic and fisheries. I see no need for the west in canada except a big middle finger. We dont need the senate their parliament their weak dollar,their debt,their fanatical laws, wokeness or agendas. We like our freedom our prosperity. We want our food and water safe, no homelessness and we want our freedom. We want limited govt interference. We want defended safety. We want our guns to protect us safe food,hunting and fishing. We want fast permits cheap housing and no more income tax or forced vaccinations or being told what we can eat. We want our voice. We want our strength and kindness to show the world how its supposed to be. Not a debt slave pridon with no rights and leaders that are against our families our success. Everything vosts too much and werw too reliant on other nations. Lower our personal debts and expenses to 10% our income. Lets have big families. Lets live interference free. We should all be billionaires but the system is rigged to fail. Im tired of all the drama and lies and propaganda. Spending too much on other nations. We cone first and our own generosity can help other nations. Governments must serve the citizens not vice versa. Its wrong what was done to the first nations by canada and now its happening to us. We need to accept their people and let them heal. We all need to heal also by sll the wrongs done under our flag. Its time for a new flag a new constitution a new border a new citizen who is royal and equak to each leaders soverign and wealthy. Free and important.

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