By Jagmeet's standards for receiving an invitation to the G7 Summit, Trudeau/Carney shouldn't be there either.

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Hey Jagmeet, why don't you take a long vacation....far far away.

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Sjagmeet infuriates me! He is irrelevant! He has no voice for Canadian citizens!!

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Jagmeet Singh is nothing but Corrupt Commie Criminal in so tight up Trudeau Ass they are nothing but Money Laundering Drug Cartel and is scared of Trump Jagmeet is all about $$$ Time for the Liberals and NDP and WEF NATO WHO GLOBLIST TO THE TRAIN STATION OR SHIP THEM TO CHINA

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Donald Trump is more welcome than jagmeet or Trudeau! We need Donald Trump to run Canada

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Lol and the liberals ndp want to fight Trump with nuclear defense from other countries. What a clown show🤡💩👹

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Keep that Muslim /Sharia ideology out of here. If some one wants that. Go to an Islamic country.

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The bit about the schools should definitely be of concern.

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Definitely!!!!! We need more Christian schools!!

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Jughead better shut his useless trap !!!!!!

His head is wrapped tooooo tight !!!

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Check out David Krayden: stand on guard, interview with Trudeau brother Kyle Kemper

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Who wears it better, that face of absolute fear - Adam Shifty Shiff or Jughash Stuck in Canada Cuz He's a Criminal Everywhere Else Singh?


Wouldn't it be sumthin if by time the G7 rolls around to Alberta, Russia made it the G8, TOTALLY supported by President Trump, and Trump and Putin, along with Modi as a special guest, all show up together?

Talk about a Pay Per View worthy of dollars spent, eh!

HEY, we can dream right?


PS. The UBI plan, leads directly to, do not pass go, do not collect $200, Central Bank Digital Currency. The CBDC's. Where EVERYTHING you spend on, WHERE you spend it, and WHEN, is not only monitored, but controlled/controllable. The poverty level is the LEAST of [their] plan.

Interesting on the "Halal" Mortgages, as that was Twinkie and Freefall's brainchild.

IF Alberta and the ATB are jumping on this, sponsored and endorsed by the UCP, Alberta will instantly become a ghost town and ATB will become the ITB - Islamic Terr ... er...Treasury Bank, fully funded by the MBH as they welcome all their 'brothers' in.

Makes one wonder if the UCP will then be investing in textile companies...

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As a Canadian I am appalled by our politicians. Singh is a total embarrassment plus thriving idiot. Trudeau is allegedly gone yet they beak their nonsense about Trump & cast us on their ridiculous shadows. Nothing could be further from the truth. As it stands , I would choose Trump any day over the ridiculous, greedy boy-child so called leaders of our government

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No one cares what this kalistani terrorist has to say.

He is a traitor to Canadians and should be dealt with as such!

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Im startingvtonthink how nice it will be to jump in my car and drive through canada and the usa. Pull out my tent have a few beers and a steak watch the sunset and dream of freedom and stretch my legs. This is the chance of a lifetime. Lets go all in. Annexing is the best fuck you to these assholes trying rob us blind fuck us over and silence us. We need a basic income for us canadians to annex. We need about 100000 usd each and about 5000 a month for healthcare buy a house and start over. Ill annex if we can keep our land ownership not as canada but as a new country or union. We are soverign citizens. Owned by noone but ourselves. If alberta goes first we can negotiate the best deal. Islam should be deemed a terrorist organisation once and for all. Lets move forward. Lets supercharge our passport and our identity. The opposition is scared shitless. We are done being conned. They are done overseeing our dependence but get nothing in return. I say lets push them into their dirt of shame and let them wallow like pigs in their own demise. Lets win and crush our oppressor once and for all. Its our legacy and for our families. Its time to act. Lets use our power. One for all and all for one. Were going enjoy our sunsets thank you for reminding us who our enemies are within.game over.I expose you Canada. Your betrayed us. We wont sacrifice our health happiness and freedom for your slavery. Who is with me? Seoarate the men woman and children from these bandits. Sponge our wealth no way.

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I'm with you except for the basic income bullshit. That just puts us completely under the governments heel.

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Isn't the ndp still the communist party with a different name?

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