Omg the gaslighting is ridiculous.

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Putting tariffs on China will hurt caada more

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The course trudum has set is constantly towards a dictatorship, with trudum in charge.

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Mark Miller is so dozey, dull and can't speak in public. Because he was so off topic his nervousness was obvious in his voice.

Miller talks like he is not paid also by the Government. How stupid is that!

I so agree they stole Polivier's housing idea.

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'Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.' A whole Cabinet of them.

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Corrupt vile lying liberals!

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Pierre has done an excellent job of holding the corrupt liberal NDP accountable ...

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Could not even watch these idiots.

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Liberals plan to rent out government housing ... That's not exactly what Pierre said ... Government owning housing is communism ...

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Canadians want you fuck-ups gone…IMMEDIATELY

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Unbelievable garble. Disgusting and shameless.

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These Eastern Lieberals can blather on endlessly, but the proof is in the pudding. It’s the worst government in history. It’s even worse than the dreadful government of his father(?) PET. And that’s saying something. Either way, all roads lead to Alberta independence and Western separation.

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They are so delusional!!! They obviously do not talk to any of their constituents…

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Thank you for getting that out, you are the best news for truth. 🥊🦁🥊🌞🥰🙏

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