Trudeau has absolutely put us weak financially!!

He’s a failed drama teacher flaunter with a string of paid off assault investigations and a joke on the world stage!!!

He has berated, gaslit and LIES to us!! We have a liability of Sixty Three BiLLION dollars!!!

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Carbon tax election NOW!!!! Or we’re sunk 😢

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Annette, Canada’s debt isn’t $63 billion. It’s $1.3 TRILLION. The $63 billion was just the past years DEFICIT. Couple that with falling percapita GDP, in other words, falling productivity, Canada is in deep trouble. In fact, Canada is and has been in a recession for years now. This recession was hidden by massive immigration which boosted consumer spending. But it’s a false reality. Ultimately, immigration must drastically reduce but the new arrivals cause an increase in the DEFICIT which actually compounds the problem.

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Oh lovely!! All by design I’m sure :(

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Oh yeah. Just peachy isn’t it?And Canadians have no clue. This whole rotten mess, including how Canada selects its Federal government, MUST change, or you can color Alberta gone. Do I like that idea? No, but it’s going to come down to a matter of survival.

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The word you used tongue in cheek sarcasm ‘peachy’, It’s more traitorous or treasonous!! Am furious at the overall treatment since the pandemic!!! #FJT, #FJS multiple times!!

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Using peachy is traitorous? What are you going on about? It’s a term used as a sarcastic reference to something not kosher or correct.

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Understood, sometimes difficult to pick up sarcasm through texts, O well :( It’s brutal, how can it not be treason if the liability limit was over exceeded?!!

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If this doesn't wake Canadians up. We are Fucked. Full stop 🛑

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Unfortunately, it likely won’t wake Canadians up. The game plan is already being played. The LIEberals are going to use the age old boogeyman fear mongering to “ rally around the flag”. For Canada to survive, stop wasteful spending, lower taxes, cut obstructionist regulations, lower corporate taxes, encourage investment and aggressively push for expanded markets both internally and globally.

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It's a British invasion, we need to separate from the Crown 🤡💩👺wexit already, Alberta the newest country in the world 🌎

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It’s not a British Invasion, it’s a WEF invasion. It’s been happening under Trudeau, and if Carney gets elected, expect it to accelerate. Just where do you think this fanatical, insane net zero scam had its roots? The globalists through the WEF, UN, Paris climate accords. Canada is one of those countries that bought the scam hook line and sinker. The UK and Germany did as well. And look at how their economy is in a shambles. So did the US until just recently Trump pulled the pin on it. And guess who didn’t follow this Paris hoax? China. They’re building a coal plant a week. They’re laughing all the way to the bank. Guess who’s actively invested in China? Brookfield. And Mark Carney, Mr net zero WEF globalist, was CEO up until about a week ago. Isn’t it interesting how Mr Climate champion Carney refuses to disclose his assets?

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Hello Jim, great to meet You. Scary accurate in what Your saying. Carney and his wife, her sister was friends with Epstein. Truly disgusting. However, Epstein was killed from setting people up to blackmail and knew too much. A sick man, have to reiterate that. Now We have Trudeau freezing Russian assets, implementing tariffs on China and giving it to Ukraine. That action was directed at Trump, because this lame duck fuck can at this point. Canada is so weak, We can now be invaded. As an Albertan, My faith is in Danielle Smith now. If the States doesn't intervene (If this Clown show isn't stopped) Our Lives may be at risk. WEF and globalists have there hands in Trudeau's Life. Question is : What do they have on Trudeau?

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Hi Steven. Nice to meet you too. Yeah. Scary. Canada given the current trajectory is going to collapse. And frankly, I don’t see any substantial change in direction. No matter who becomes PM. The problems Canada faces are structural when one understands how the federal government is voted into power. Up until just a day or two I thought Smith was on the right track. Until she exposed herself as being a federalist. It’s the last thing Alberta needs. Having the threat of becoming independent is one of Alberta’s major leverage tools. Declaring prematurely that no matter what, Alberta remains in CONfederation just gave the farm away. And, frankly, I don’t think that Alberta’s future prosperity is in Canada. The 51st state, when viewed without emotion, has great appeal. However, outright independence is still a better option than the current arrangement.

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Damnit, I missed that. She said that after having a literal Trump card, I was afraid of that. I didn't think She would go this route. It's now in Our faces that holding Power is key. Imagine the Power and respect She would have gained Worldwide if Alberta separated. We can only keep Our chins up now. Jim 🫡

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Yeah. It surprises me too. She’s given away a major negotiation tool.

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100% agree with You Ria. Very well said. 👌

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like a 4 yo knows what she is asking, what a farse!

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It was only a matter of time for Danielle Smith to fully underline how deeply WEF and the Globalists have infiltrated and now control Alberta . Keep our nose out of Ukraine. We've got a hell of a lot of work to do right here at home instead.

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Canadians haven’t been beaten down enough. The majority still supports the NDP and Liberals. Ontario has a fake Conservative Premier. BC has a Communist. Poilievre answers to the same masters as Justin. The country is 90% vax’d so only 10% of the population has the ability to think critically.

It’s a lost cause regardless of what Trump does.

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Out these psychos in jail already

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This has happened purposely!! Trudope for a decade has designed the destruction of Canada. My heart aches for my grandchildren!! I hope you’re right and red seal holders will be courted by the USA. Then my grandchildren may have a shot. 🙏🏻

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Mine to Connie. One of the issues that is driving Me. I'm very new to social media and still trying to find My place in it. God Bless You!

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Want to bet? Lol good luck with Trudeau liberals criminal organization that tried to kill Canadian citizens therefore children. Unless they are all Canada solution they must be arrested for intentional harm of minors? Fuvk immigration. One answer. Arrested and RICO THE FEDERAL LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA FOR TRUDEAU LIBERALS MURDERERS OK. HUMANITY IS NOT REAL POLITICAL. ARREST THEM OR TRUMP WILL

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This should be the cause. Very clear and Solid post. 👊

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No surprise that Quebec is so brainwashed . They get one French speaking news channel, CBC.

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This is because of Liberals, we need to stop blaming the US and educate ourselves. Sickening how the Canadian politicians are blaming the US. But then again deflection is this govs middle name!!!

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Kick the illegal c#nts out

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What they s can do is stop over taxation!

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Holy Shit..... This should be illegal, she is standing there "bold face LYING!!!" God Help Us

We gotta get outa this place, if it's the last thing we ever do, we gotta get outa this place.....

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You are so right.

Trump is not the villan here. He wants to create a Hemispheric Defence System, from Panama to Greeland to ward off Communist aggression from China & Russia.

God knows our North needs something.

Yep! Looks like there will be a Ukraine Agreement.

Those wantabe Liberal leaders in the last two night debates, if that's what they were🤔, do not have a clue what Trump's motives are, or the long term good effects that could result from it.

When Canada gets to a full-blown Election, none of those debaters would I EVER VOTE FOR! They steal Conservative ideas, they don't see what is really going on with Trump, they want to push Canadians into an agenda we don't want.

IMO....that rat pack is DONE!

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Maybe Trump should say get rid of the dipshit liberals and he will drop the terrifs

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