She's lying. There's a lot of support for 51st state. Alberta wants out of Canada.

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Agree, there are a lot that have come to the realization that our parliamentary system, senate, judiciary, constitution and police are all crap!!

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💯 The fact that they are still injecting mRNA technology into children. With all the evidence, and a Doctor that is saving lives, has his licence taken away. It is a patented biological weapon. They know yet they are silent, while this synthetic life forms grows and communicates with the 5g network. They are insane. Trump has Dr B and RFK Jr. They are all criminals. Anyone who said safe and effective is liable for murder.

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Doesn’t it make you question why are we hesitating on joining the US?

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No! In reality, there are very few people who agree with the 51st State in AB! We know that all the US wants are our resources. They don't give a rat's ass about the people, or our identity. They have already stolen so much of our natural gas, ie the entire gas field under Rocky Mountain House was sold to Chicago many years ago and Albertan's got pennies for it in terms of today's monitory value. We didn't get one drop of that natural gas that has been going via pipeline directly to Chicago for about the last 30 years. Our lumber is being sold for peanuts especially since there are stumpage charges on our exports, then the US /Canadian exchange rate is horrible. We have to pay and extra 30% for every $1.00 Canadian we exchange. So basically the US already gets our resources and food, etc for 70 cents rather than paying dollar for dollar. No one wants to give up control to another entity. Look at what the Feds have already done to Alberta, with all the equilization payments, and control over our medical choices, ie the reason behind the Freedom Convoy, etc. Maybe a few losers in the cities want to join the US, but there is no real benefit for us. Albertans need to seek our own sovereignty which is possible, and run our own show, rather than becoming just another circus animal.

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We already are a circus animal that's where the liberal ndp scum have put us are you that blind and there isn't much chance of being independent to many things would come into the picture I say join America at least we would be protected be able to buy an affordable house have freedom again which otherwise we never ever will if carbon tax carney gets in just my opinion but it only makes sense to me

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@RON1564393, just guessing: You like the equalization payments syphoning out of Alberta? You also like how freedom was highlighted by having one's bank account threatened or seized? You're fine with our irreparable corrupt Federal Government as well? ( Show me one arrest involving Trudeau's scams.)

Maybe you're not old enough to remember what Canada was like to actually want to proudly put your life on the line for it.

Well, that Canada is NOT here anymore.



But some are too brainwashed to recognized what happened.

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In reality, there are very few people who agree with the 51st State in AB! We know that all the US wants are our resources. They don't give a rat's ass about the people, or our identity. They have already stolen so much of our natural gas, ie the entire gas field under Rocky Mountain House was sold to Chicago many years ago and Albertan's got pennies for it in terms of today's monitory value. We didn't get one drop of that natural gas that has been going via pipeline directly to Chicago for about the last 30 years. Our lumber is being sold for peanuts especially since there are stumpage charges on our exports, then the US /Canadian exchange rate is horrible. We have to pay and extra 30% for every $1.00 Canadian we exchange. So basically the US already gets our resources and food, etc for 70 cents rather than paying dollar for dollar. No one wants to give up control to another entity. Look at what the Feds have already done to Alberta, with all the equilization payments, and control over our medical choices, ie the reason behind the Freedom Convoy, etc. Maybe a few losers in the cities want to join the US, but there is no real benefit for us. Albertans need to seek our own sovereignty which is possible, and run our own show, rather than becoming just another circus animal.

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Ok, so say she isn't lying. What happens then if Quebec won't move on the pipelines within months of the election? Do we go ahead with our own police, CPP, No equalization, etc? Become a republic of Canada? Or see what the US will offer us to join? Bc while I was once a proud Canadian, I'm sick of being walked all over by the feds and my quality of life go downhill.

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Well if we have our billions of $$$ in equalization money we are self sufficient. We have the youngest workforce/ our APP would be awesome. Sue for our CPP funds. Alberta and Albertans would prosper like never before

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If the pipeline ran through and was completed, we wouldn't be talking about Quebec blocking a pipeline. I'm well aware of where line 5 is, and how far it goes. As for being a separatist, I never used to be. But after yrs of both cons and liberals shitting on Alberta, using us when it's convenient for them... I'm kind of done actually. I wouldn't let my husband hit me every few month's and have me pay him just so he could go buy another house or whatever. So why do we as Albertans take a beating, while giving money to the very same people beating us?

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What I see on social media a lot thinking of it and saying yes, the liberals get in and keep going with world economic forum agenda with the commonwealth. If you don’t want to be a part of that we really have no choice. And a big majority don’t wanna play the Woke game.

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In reality, there are very few people who agree with the 51st State in AB! We know that all the US wants are our resources. They don't give a rat's ass about the people, or our identity. They have already stolen so much of our natural gas, ie the entire gas field under Rocky Mountain House was sold to Chicago many years ago and Albertan's got pennies for it in terms of today's monitory value. We didn't get one drop of that natural gas that has been going via pipeline directly to Chicago for about the last 30 years. Our lumber is being sold for peanuts especially since there are stumpage charges on our exports, then the US /Canadian exchange rate is horrible. We have to pay and extra 30% for every $1.00 Canadian we exchange. So basically the US already gets our resources and food, etc for 70 cents rather than paying dollar for dollar. No one wants to give up control to another entity. Look at what the Feds have already done to Alberta, with all the equilization payments, and control over our medical choices, ie the reason behind the Freedom Convoy, etc. Maybe a few losers in the cities want to join the US, but there is no real benefit for us. Albertans need to seek our own sovereignty which is possible, and run our own show, rather than becoming just another circus animal.

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How about put it to a vote i bet you'll be surprised at the amount of people that want out of this shitshow

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Agreed lets vote to see. I prefer a union and remain soverign. Our land is ours not our govts.our resources are are citizens not anyone else. We need our own soverign currency. No fractional banks no central banks. No more debt based funny money. Only assest backed by our entire resources in the ground and vslue of all pur businesses and personal wealth combined. Our pension fund should be given back to us. We should personally self direct our own futures. End govt health care. We can use private like blue cross. Our pension should hsve zero limits on how much we invest and should begin from birth. All investments should be tax free. All salary and income tax free. All moneys earned should be ours meaning every company in our nation a percentage must be pooled and given back amonst all citizens. All lands should be equally owned by every citizen abd leased back to itself. All these funds then pooled and divided equally and paid to every citizen. Every cotizen should own life insurance from birth and upon death or dismemberment paid back to the policy holder or beneficiary. Each person becomes a self corporation for all monies held and protected by law. Every bill shoukd be voted by every citizen. House of commons only no more senate. Collects the bills and ideas from citizens and brings them to vote. Any member can go to the house to bring up a bill. These are ministers for our nation not themseves or any corporation. The future must be decided by the majority not the few. Audits checks and balances must be done to ensure bills are fairly presented. A budget must be preoared audited and voted. Then all citizens will pay for whats needed interest free. No borrowing to govern our nation. Were born free and shall die free. Were slaves right now. We being handled manipulated silenced. We have the power to break the facade. I think its time we show our power and solidarity. Our leader should just be our voice our opinions and if they are not they get replaced. He must make know what bills we voted yes what decisions have passed how much it costs. It must evaluate through ministers and these must be judged ensuring speed transparity and audited every currency is soundly spent. We need an army to defend our soverignty. We need guns for protecting our selfs hunt and kill our farm animaks. We dont need mega farming except to export. We need to have all our own farms our own safe supply of water and food. Wells and our own oil and gas developed is owned by our citizens our minerals our wood so we can build and produce our own kingdoms and live in wealth not as slaves. All resources equally shared and owned by us. Those who choosecto produce and sell can get a portion to develop companies by leasing but we all get a portion and them. We shoukd all be rich but for too long we been exploited. Lets end the fraud. Lets end the debt system. Lets end the enslavement. Lets all be equal in love and power and self rule. Were born free we must die free. Wake up all. You all know we must change and rid these evil people in masks with greedy evil intentions. Were masters of our destiny not the few but all. No one should be broke or homeless ever again. Justice belongs to know. A new way to life is ready to give birth but cowards need to wake up get angry and show their power. The change is in us. Were the strong brave and free from sea to sea.take dominion. Its your God given right to reign and be free. Lets unite and break our chains. Our lives our kegacy our future depends on us taking charge.

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Your being played a fixed card gane to lose. Stop playing games. Wake up and be real. You been brainwashed too long. Your dead.rise up and live. Your priceless powerful. We need you to show it to the world. You deserve to be heard to win.embrace freedom now.write your prime minister write your premiere send letters talk to your family. Talk to your employees and workers and friends. Spread the truth.together we must win and be the change or were all going lose everything that matters.

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This is all a distraction. For some time they have been making way for the northern Trade route, which is days shorter than the Panama Canal route. He who owns Canada gets that route. This is all a distraction. Ask yourself... do you want to be part of Europe or America, because under it all, one of those two will win Canada.

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Answering your question will be found in logic as there is no room for flag waving. (#SoWhatTeamCanada)

Only survival away from the corrupt irreparable Canadian Federal government. (Whatever form that may take). Are we being driven toward one over the other? (U.S.A vs Euro?) Perhaps. In the end The City of London Corporation, Washington D.C., and Vatican are the same players on both sides. Let's make some moves to ensure a better existence....while we still can. Namely , ditch our corrupt federal systems the sooner the better.

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I’d rather Alberta become a sovereign nation. I also think all the provinces should be and I think every province would thrive on their own including east coast provinces

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The East Coast too!?

Whale oil beef hooked!

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You did the thing, didn't you?

You know, with the fingers pulling the corners of your mouth while you say it.

I did it. haha

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Welp, that whole enchilada was one helluva soggy month old taco of LIES.

Polls across Canada indicate Love of being the 51st State, with well over 60% support of it. The People see the writing on the wall. How she can gaslight like that is unacceptable on every level.

Canada is NOT a sovereign Nation.

Throwing out buzz words does not a leader make, no matter how "security" geared it is.


Did she mean USMCA?

"Virtually tax tariff-free relationship??" "99% tariff free??"

*flips over to the facts page showing EXACTLY how much Canada charges USA in tariffs on dairy, meat, cars, etc. revealing over 300% in some cases


Wanna know what else was completed and finalized in 2023?

The Alberta Task Force Report on the c0-vide and vaxxes, BUT, it was not released to the public until 2025. Why? That was 1.5 more years of injecting babies, toddlers, children and pregnant women with the experimental gene therapy. AHS was not the only culprit in this Crime Against Humanity!


If you have, or know someone who has been injured or worse, best look at this.


An honest mistake in facts is usually forgiven.

Knowingly lying about facts, is not.

"Team Canada" and "Canada First" is virtue signal.

Hope based on wishes and fairy dust on something that NEVER existed.

Nothing concrete.

The Arctic is the underbelly of the Americas.

Full Stop.

"Canada" does NOT have the power, the wherewithal, the funds or the Military to protect it. The 'plan' the politicians are coming up with will take 10 years to come to fruition to even START to be proactive against the Russian and Chinese warships circling those waters right NOW, or the funding to do so.

If anyone, for one minute, thinks that the Most Powerful Leader in the free world would for one second not be on top of this, you're delusional. Anyone thinking that President Trump would accept the weakness of 'Canada" as it fumbles, stumbles and pathetically fights for the fake royal throne on high in government, while geopolitical maneuverers to invade through the north are right now being implemented, think again.

"Canada" is already the 51st State. The whole of the land mass. It cannot be divided into sub states. Considering the entire population of "Canada" can fit into the State of Texas, and the whole of "Canada" IS the north, ya, subdividing it will not happen. The Provinces, can become Counties of the State per say, each running according to its own policies, voted in By The People, For The People, and Of The People, but that's about it.

The geopolitical Risk Game has too high of stakes to let these Jackasses continue to play tiddleewinks in their quest for pretend power and "say so."

Tis gonna be a rude awakening for them once they ALL realize The Truman Show they've been living in, intentionally and by design.

The People are awakening to that FACT, and that's because they don't live in a fake political bubble of nonsensical echo chambers.

March is gonna be one helluva month.

Particularly, March 4th and mid month, say around the 17th or so.

Buckle up!

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Can't say you're wrong on any of your points. Well stated DD

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Daniel better have a referendum ready if we don't get an federal election. Or the China backed liberals manage another scam election.

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Western independence is the only way to get away from the federal corruption. Alberta 51

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I am an Albertan, I think it would be best for Alberta to join the United States or secede and go independent. Canada is under occupation of a crime syndicate being influenced by foreign powers that have a design on Canada. I believe the upcoming election will be rigged to fulfill these entities' goals.

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Daniel would be an amazing PM

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She’s just another sellout.

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Well...there is the small matter of the infamous 'floor-crossing' in 2014 that lil Miss Can't Be Wrong ever so slyly engineered for her ambitious debut to provincial PC's. A turncoat move that kneecapped the Wildrose Party AND was very likely instrumental in saddling Albertans up for 4 years of trash NDP tyranny and their trademark fiscal fiasco's. Rode hard and put away wet we were.

So, yeah...I don't disagree.

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After 10 years of Trudeau we’ve come to the realization that our system of unelected PM, senate, judiciary with no way of recall or impeachment and an electoral system that every politician has promised t change but none will. Equalization is crap and our police and judiciary take their instructions from a traitorous PM. Need a new system all together and that won’t happen in Canada!!

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Ron, just guessing: You like the equalization payments syphoning out of Alberta? You also like how freedom was highlighted by having one's bank account threatened or seized? You're fine with our irreparable corrupt Federal Government as well? ( Show me one arrest involving Trudeau's scams.)

Maybe you're not old enough to remember what Canada was like to actually want to proudly put your life on the line for it.

Well, that Canada is NOT here anymore.



But some are too brainwashed to recognized what happened.

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Thank you for your service to your Comrades and to Canadians. I am her for you if you want to chat…

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Thanks for the advice. You like to threaten and intimidate. Duly noted.

I might remember that..... or not. I'm too old to worry about it.

But on the lighter side, at least your little self is enjoying this corrupt government.

I'm sure you got all your jabs and boosters they suggested.

Out standing, carry on.

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Do you even have a clue bruh?

Glowie Ron-bot here takes his best manic shot at what is (in his booster-addled brain at least) this absolutely HUGE, nefarious - and obviously very stealthy - voting block that is French Canadian in AB. No such thing but nice try at both division, distraction...and NDP fundraising.

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