I honestly, didn't know shit piles this high!!

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Lets find her and force her to admit her guilt and genocide participation, record it, and then citizen arrest her since rcmp minion puppets can't, we the people CAN!!!

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Everyone, please check out bill c293, this is their pandemic bill that has passed first reading, it includes all the WHO recommendations, including military assistance of forced vaccine compliance, culling of animals, etc etc. we need letters to senate to can this thing and pressure on politicians.

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In Alberta Canada, there is a new bill and act that protects all Albertans from who, ahc, liberal ndp, rcmp, police, doctors ect. We have the legal right to decide for ourselves and protected against over reach Ngo and gov. The legal bill of human rights for Albertans is the right to use deadly force as needed in defense of our lives if threatened. In other words, if the shit happens again like 2019- 2023 we can load up. Arm up, mass up and start firing back

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SENATE IS ALL LIBERALS , we have to wait for singh to get his golden penison then he will ask for new elections unless the idiot voters who voted for him toss him out of the part

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That's what narcissists do, they gaslight you to make you feel like you're crazy.

Coming from the queen of hypocrisy.

We know the truth.

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Their income keeps going up, so why would they have a clue about what we are going through??

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Canadians...We're living in tents.

Liberals....You're doing great!

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What Bs I don't know what planet she is on what a fool!

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Libs continue to gaslight the people who are suffering! Freeland is wicked witch of the east, LPC flying monkeys of destruction! Our debt keeps rising’ thanks to Scarecrow Trudeau (if I only had s brain)

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Pretty sure there is enough masses to take a stand if needed against domestic terrorist Justin Trudeau 🤔?

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She must be arrested for treason fraud and incompetence

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2015 trudeau s net worth 8 million todays net worth is 385 million is that telling you something

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what drugs is this delusional freak on????

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She lies. All lies!!!!

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Self centred!!! Conservatives are self centred!! OMGOODNESS lady you are delusional!! This pompous liberal/NDP government hasn’t a clue what the average Canadian is going through. Their criminal enterprise has insulated them from the reality that the rest of us live. We need an election today not next year!! All roads lead to western independence!!!

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There is a rumour out there that the liberals, ndp and greenies are talking quietly about not competing against each other in the next election. So if a seat is currently held by the ndp then the liberals and greenies would not have a candidate in that riding. This would save them money so they could reallocate to other ridings. Time will tell if this can or will happen.

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