The GG needs to pull her head out of her ass and reverse theprorogation of parliament so we can get on with life.

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One there’s one thing that this hopeless GG shows. The office of the GG should be abolished.

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She won’t!! She’s in Trudopes pocket!!!

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Vince Taylor, this will never happen unless the judge who will be hearing the March court case rules against trudo prorogation of parliament.

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She was set up by JT so her allegiance is to them. Also, she cannot get by on her over $300,000 salary so her massive spending is way over that. If I remember correctly, she spent over $75,000 on one trip up North. She is not for us, at all.

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Of course we all know Carney is in Davos seeking instructions from his bosses at the WEF.

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And now the UK 🇬🇧 is joining Canada 🇨🇦 to fight Trump. Carnival carney bankrupted England

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Lol Trudeau & sell out singh both got caught lying under oath at the foreign interference inquiry today. Election now already.

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Psychotic child Truddie and his sidekick Sellout Sing Along lie? How unusual of them. Lol.

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It’s become obvious that Alberta must separate. Whether it’s as an independent country or as a US state doesn’t change the fact that we have no place in Canada. If we ever did. The current games being played in Ottawa just makes it more urgent, and in fact makes it more obvious. The idea that you’re going to lose your identity as an Albertan is ridiculous. Does a Texan lose his identity as a Texan because he’s also an American? No. It’s silly.

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Thank God for Danielle Smith! The Margaret Thatcher for our time. The only grown up politician in the whole f’n country. 🇨🇦 Save the west and screw the rest.

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Pretty much!! LOVE how she and her team have worked to protect AB sovereignty!! I hope Moe tags along protecting the mineral rights and resources too!! Unbelievable how predatorial the Feds are!!! I cc really dislike the financial set up!!

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Spot on. Well said.

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Albert news and views love what you do.

I knew it was to good to be true when Jag was saying he was going to force an election

I’ve heard his own people in Surrey hate him and want him gone. I don’t know where he thinks he’s going to be if he helps the WEF take over. There’s no way klaus and his nazis are going to let him hang around there club. He’s a pawn a patsy for them and when they get there way he will disappear or be getting his 2000 a month own nothing and I eating crickets like the rest of the sheep

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I believe Mr. Singh cannot ever return to India, as they would try him for crimes in India. Maybe we should put him on a plane for a visit to his homeland!

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I think he has countries that he is not allowed to go to. Says all we need to know.

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Now wouldn’t that be poetic justice.

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There you go ! You just listed a perfect example why CDN Citizen’s should be able to recall their politician’s !

Singhs own constituents would be well served with such a law. We could stop corrupt lier’s when it is needed, and not wait up to 5 years while they do so much more damage. At one time, but no longer these position’s were held by men/woman of a gentlemanly honour system. Now it’s liars, deceptions and thieves by some.

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Trump should exempt Alberta and Saskatchewan from tariffs.

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That’s awesome idea!

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I think if anyone did a poll of workers it would be found that not only do fear and hate Maserati Sing, they fear Carney and any other leader the liberals might come up with.

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Frank, I’m not sure that’s true, but one thing I hope the ROC recognizes. That they’re being unmercifully played.

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I can't believe that our Charter of Rights or our Parliamentary system has no way to stop the destruction of our country. How did we the citizens allow this to happen is beyond my rational thought. Our Democracy has been destroyed by the Liberal/NDP a Minority Liberal party held up by the NDP party. A delayed Election until October 2025, there will be nothing left of our country. Were broke and will go further into debit. President Trump is ready to take over our country without a shoot being fired, he will financially bankrupt us with Tariffs. What a sad state of affairs that Trudeau and Singh will take us down for their petty purposes. Alberta separation is now people, any other provinces wanting to join us are welcome. My Canada is no longer a proud nation, and it only took Trudeau and Singh one decade to accomplish it. Still a Proud Albertan to my death

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Look how they decimated the freedom convoy. That was the beginning of our end, and it is not going to get any better. As one person on X said, any protests against our country are not allowed, but all others are. So sad..

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Under Trump, America looks like a good option for Alberta and, possibly, Saskatchewan. But what happens when another Biden or Obama or "climate change" President is elected?

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100% correct stupidity will return there just as it has here. We would be much better of as Alberta Republic and as a working partner with the US.

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Well the people fixed that in he USA but we are bound by ridiculous rules & laws of monach policy and parliament laws. We need the rights and liberties like the US Constitution and laws!

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No constitution can prevent votes from the Democrats or, in the case of Canada, the NDP or Liberals. I'm just saying, Alberta (and possibly Saskatchewan) would be better off as an independent country.

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Ontario and Quebec will always decide for Canada. That is the problem….

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People already lay awake at night wondering what's going to happen with their family etc while the liberals are in power. Jughead doesn't realize that he is supporting a OWG or NWO. Maybe Alberta should separate now!

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The #Left must be charged with #AlbertaAbuse!

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We need to make sure conservatives get 99% of the votes. Then we need to end these nefarious govt extremists. They are so toxic. Perhaps the prairies,bc,nwt should separate from canada take our pension funds, use the usd at first and have a passport we share like the european union with the USA. They are too agenda driven for destroying freedom and creating tyranny and slavery. I wont bend into any cookiecutter of chaos for their selfish insanity. Id prefere war and hanging treasonist regimes.

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Singh was part of the WEF. His party had a name change. It was chartered as the communist party. Still is.

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now you know why there is no armed forces and they took all your guns.

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They haven’t taken any guns yet. Just spent I think $27 million for paperwork and bureaucrats..

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Wonderful to see how these two ninny brains called each other to coordinate their wardrobe for this photo op.

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