The reason that the PM and others in the Lib cabinet don't want to give up their positions is that if they do, they become ordinary people who can be charged much easier with all their illegal activities. The PM is waiting to be hired on by the UN so that he can get a UN passport, travel on UN expenses anywhere in the world, and continue to do the bidding of the WEF. They all need to be charged with crimes against Canadians who they are supposed to be working for and lose their pensions as well as all other perks that they would get once they retire or leave politics. The current leader of the NDP should be tossed out as well, and lose ALL of his pensions and perks for the rest of his life.

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Political corruption in Canada is out of control, right in our face and not a peep out of the marxist corporate media. Justice has disappeared in our joke of a legal system. Growth and size of the federal government is out of control while service is like talking to a brick wall. Canadian Forces have been gutted and transformed into a woke institution that chases itself around every day looking for racism. Justin has no intention of buying any new F-35 fighter jets. He is just playing an expensive delay game.

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Canadians are not loosing trust.they lost all trust in this criminal terrorist government.

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Real issue is that we are still too divided into the PPC and CPC camps. Mistrust there is almost as detrimental as Mistrust for Trudeau.

Out West, develop alternative Grocery Stores to Metro, Loblaws, and other Laurentian Instututions.

Boycott Laurentianism and Wokeism. Strategy needed!!!!!

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PPC have no constitution and will not publish one. This allows bernier to operate as a dictator. He can say or do anything anytime he wants. He makes all the important decisions at his leisure while collecting $100k salary paid by the ppc membership along with his pension from his time as an MP. Nice go if you can get it. Just ask any ppc member why the party has not published a constitution and you will get silence. These clowns vote splitted with the cpc for the last two elections. The most recent vote split handed 24 seats to the liberals and ndp too. They made singh not only relevant but he controls the balance of power. You will not hear the ppc talk about that either but instead will deny, actually deny the reality of vote splitting despite examples at the federal level and also in Alberta that handed an election to notley.

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Losing Faith!?! 😂😂😂

Lost Total and Complete Faith, and Trust Years ago! Past Tense!

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When is western Canadians going to get governance freedom? When WE the People wake up!

When Alberta leads the charge to join the USA as the 51st state. Saskatchewan, northern BC and Yukon Territory will follow. This will be a world game changer. The benefits for statehood is far beyond the tyranny of today.

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Please tell us your name every day. Say this is (?) and then carry on. I really appreciate what you do. Gawd....you nail it day after day. This filthy government and thousands of useless bureaucrats are so corrupt all they do is pay themselves and their buddies. Billions wasted everywhere. SICK.

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